Random notes about chef configuration management tool and related topics.
Problem with knife bootstrap
[root@localhost chef-repo]# knife bootstrap --run-list "role[phpapp]" --json-attributes "{\"phpapp\": {\"server_name\": \"localhost.localdomain\"}}" --ssh-user root --ssh-password PASSWORD HOSTNAME<br/>
Node exists, overwrite it? (Y/N) y<br/>
<span style="color: red">ERROR:</span> Method Not Allowed<br/>
Response: <html><head><title>405 Method Not Allowed</title></head><body><h1>Method Not Allowed</h1>Method Not Allowed<p><hr><address>mochiweb+webmachine web server</address></body></html>
[root@localhost chef-repo]#
[root@localhost chef-repo]# knife bootstrap <b>--node-name NODENAME</b> --run-list "role[phpapp]" --json-attributes "{\"phpapp\": {\"server_name\": \"localhost.localdomain\"}}" --ssh-user root --ssh-password PASSWORD HOSTNAME<br/>
...<br/> Chef Client finished, X/Y resources updated in x.xx seconds<br/>
[root@localhost chef-repo]#
[root@localhost chef-repo]# knife ec2 server list<br/>
<span style="color: red">ERROR:</span> Fog::Compute::AWS::Error: RequestExpired => Request has expired. Timestamp date is 2015-04-13T09:54:47Z<br/>
[root@localhost chef-repo]#<br/>
[root@localhost chef-repo]# /etc/init.d/ntpd restart<br/>
Starting ntpd: [ <span style="color:green">OK</span> ]<br/>
[root@localhost chef-repo]# ntpq -p<br/>
remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter<br/>
[root@localhost chef-repo]# knife ec2 server list<br/>
Instance ID Name Public IP Private IP Flavor Image SSH Key Security Groups IAM Profile State<br/>
[root@localhost chef-repo]#